V tomto díle nahlédneme společně do světa mezinárodně uznávaného válečnéhoContinue reading#88 O patriotismu, nezdravém nacionalismu, a přínosech dlouhodobého života v zahraničí slovy mezinárodně uznávaného válečného vyšetřovatele Vladimíra Dzuro.
Štítek: #czechrepublic
American Bohemians Vs. Czech Bohemians
American Bohemians Vs. Czech Bohemians By: Casey Conniff Are BohemiansContinue readingAmerican Bohemians Vs. Czech Bohemians
The Heart of Storytelling in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
The Heart of Storytelling in the Czech Republic and SlovakiaContinue readingThe Heart of Storytelling in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
Frank Prihoda: Australian Olympic Trailblazer from Czechoslovakia
Frank Prihoda: Australian Olympic Trailblazer from Czechoslovakia By: Casey ConniffContinue readingFrank Prihoda: Australian Olympic Trailblazer from Czechoslovakia
The Hidden World of Czech Food Within the United States
The Hidden World of Czech Food Within the United StatesContinue readingThe Hidden World of Czech Food Within the United States
Tragedy Met with Resilience
Tragedy Met with Resilience By Casey Conniff On Thursday, JuneContinue readingTragedy Met with Resilience